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Word Embeddngs 사용 사례 캡쳐

Duke Yang 2017. 9. 5. 13:18

출처 : https://www.analyticsvidhya.com/blog/2017/06/word-embeddings-count-word2veec/

3. Word Embeddings use case scenarios

Since word embeddings or word Vectors are numerical representations of contextual similarities between words, they can be manipulated and made to perform amazing tasks like-

  1. Finding the degree of similarity between two words.
  2. Finding odd one out.
    model.doesnt_match('breakfast cereal dinner lunch';.split())
  3. Amazing things like woman+king-man =queen
    queen: 0.508
  4. Probability of a text under the model
    model.score(['The fox jumped over the lazy dog'.split()])

Below is one interesting visualisation of word2vec.

The above image is a t-SNE representation of word vectors in 2 dimension and you can see that two contexts of apple have been captured. One is a fruit and the other company.

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